Business Continuity Plan - Plan for maintaining business operations
The companies are exposed to market risks that are reasonably foreseeable and measurable. Business plans are based, among other things, on business, financial, marketing and technical prerequisites for achieving the targets set, e.g. in terms of sales value, EBITDA level or net profit.
In addition to market risks, there are crisis situations from time to time that generally have a low probability but whose consequences are very difficult to assess. Such situations include, for example, fire, flooding, theft, sabotage, terrorism and, increasingly, cyber attacks, the timing and consequences of which cannot be fully predicted.
To prepare for such situations and limit their consequences, companies draw up what is known as a business continuity plan (BCP). A well-prepared plan usually enables a company to respond efficiently to crisis situations and act in accordance with the scenarios developed for selected threats.
The premise of the business continuity plan is to ensure the survival of the company until the pre-crisis situation is restored. Business continuity planning minimises both financial and non-measurable losses, such as loss of reputation or trust.
A business continuity plan often takes the form of scenarios developed in the form of operating procedures for specific individuals or teams, the designation of backup centres and other resources to enable the business to continue operations under difficult conditions.
A business continuity plan often consists not only of people and procedures, but also of various other things such as: Access cards and spare keys, access codes and login passwords, backups, powers of attorney and other documents to represent the company in a crisis.
It is advisable to define a location outside the company and the backup centre in the business continuity plan where all or some of the above-mentioned documents and items should be stored. In practice, the business continuity plan is often located in the office safe, in the boss's room or in the owner's home. However, sometimes access to the office is restricted in an emergency situation, the keys and codes for the safe have been lost somewhere and the owner or boss is on an extended holiday and may not return for a few days.
Professional safe deposit box in your company
A state of the art vault and safe deposit box can be an interesting option to consider when developing a business continuity plan. A professional, certified vault is a place that is well protected and prepared for crisis scenarios. A modern depository and vaulting service allows access to the vault 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is prepared to allow authorised persons permanent access.
Access to the vault and safe deposit box is granted on the basis of modern palm or face biometrics and also requires a key, card and PIN code. In an emergency situation, authorised persons can access the vault using the assigned biometric key, which cannot be forged, stolen or lost.
In addition, nowadays more than two people can have access to the safe and safe deposit box - in a modern safe, up to five people can be authorised to use the company safe deposit box.
Professional safe deposit boxes and lockers are suitable for storing documents (the cassettes are A4 in size), backup copies and other sensitive or valuable items.
Taking these aspects into account, it is worthwhile including the hire of a safe deposit box from a professional safekeeper in your business continuity plan. A well-chosen safe deposit service can save the company a lot of costs and nerves in crisis situations.
About Us
Safebox24 is one of the largest independent safe deposit box operators in the European Union and the first private, automated safe deposit box operator in Switzerland. Since 2019, we have been offering vaults in modern, certified facilities, along with a customised Lloyd's insurance policy, professional service and 24/7 access for customers.